Ben Amor
About our professor director
Ben Amor is a full professor in the Department of Civil and Building Engineering at the Université de Sherbrooke (UdeS) with research and teaching activities in sustainable engineering, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and circular economy. He is also Director of Sustainable Development in the Faculty of Engineering and Director of the Building undergraduate Engineering Program, in addition to supervising graduate students working on the methodological development of LCA, including its application in the building, materials and energy sector. Since joining the UdeS, several significant contributions have been made by Professor Ben Amor.

Through the creation of the Interdisciplinary Research Laboratory in Life Cycle Assessment and Circular Economy (LIRIDE), Ben has developed multidisciplinary and interuniversity expertise in LCA and circular economy through collaborations with other researchers, chairs, research centres and industries. Indeed, Professor Ben Amor has established several major collaborations for the integration of LCA with five Industrial Research Chairs: the SAQ Chair in Glass Upgrading (UdeS); the NSERC Chair in the development and use of fluid concrete with adapted rheology (UdeS); the Industrial Research Chair in Ecoresponsible Wood Construction - CIRCERB (ULaval); the Chair in Energy Sector Management (HEC Montréal) and the NSERC Industrial Research Chair - Canlak in Interior Wood Products Finishing (ULaval).
Technology transfer is an important component of LIRIDE's research activities. LIRIDE is the Canadian scientific partner of OpenLCA open source software, one of the 3 most used software in LCA around the world. Another example of an important contribution is the writing of several major references in the field of LCA, in addition to putting into place the LIRIDE YouTube channel to explain the basic knowledge of LCA.

Prof. Ben Amor is strongly involved in several national and international scientific committees, such as the UNEP/SETAC life cycle initiative and also in the methodological development of LCA, particularly in the updating of ISO standards and the development and advancement of LCA tools.